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Curated and summarised financial news for busy investors
# Finance News
Featured on : Aug 6. 2024
Featured on : Aug 6. 2024
What is SumFin?
Build your personalised feed of real-time stock market news. Watch specific stocks to shape the articles you see, pin important stories and stay updated on what fellow investors are interested in with our trending wall. Invest smarter with SumFin.
Investors often struggle to sift through vast amounts of financial news to find relevant information, leading to inefficiency and potential missed opportunities. The main drawbacks of this old situation include difficulty in navigating overwhelming data and lack of personalization in news feeds.
SumFin is an online platform that curates and summarizes financial news. It allows users to build a personalized feed of real-time stock market news, watch specific stocks to tailor the news content, pin important stories, and view trending topics among fellow investors.
The primary users of SumFin are busy investors and individuals interested in stock market updates who require a streamlined and personalized news experience.
Unique Features
Personalized news feed customization, real-time updates, pinning important stories for quick access, and a 'trending wall' to see what fellow investors are focusing on.
User Comments
Great for tracking specific stocks.
Saves time, very efficient for daily investment decisions.
Love the personalized news feed!
The trending wall feature provides valuable insights.
Could improve by integrating more sources.
Launched on ProductHunt with significant user engagement, numerous upvotes and positive comments; specifics numbers on MRR, ARR or user base not disclosed.
Market Size
The market for financial news and investment tools is growing, with a significant portion of adults interested in stock market investments. The global market is projected at over $25 billion by 2025.