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Manage your club: website, memberships, renewals and more
# CRM Assistant
Featured on : Apr 29. 2024
Featured on : Apr 29. 2024
What is Clubistry?
Clubistry is the easy solution for clubs seeking to make running a club as fun as being in a club. Effortlessly handle membership management, online payments, website building, and content management in one unified platform.
Managing a club involves handling multiple aspects such as membership renewals, website maintenance, and payment processing. These tasks are often cumbersome, time-consuming, and distract from the enjoyment of club activities. Handling numerous tasks manually can lead to inefficiencies and errors.
Clubistry is a unified platform designed to streamline the management of clubs. It facilitates membership management, online payments, website building, and content management, allowing club administrators to focus on making club involvement enjoyable rather than burdensome.
Clubistry is ideal for club administrators and leaders who manage memberships, events, and club communications. Typical users include sports club managers, hobby group coordinators, and community leaders.
Unique Features
The unique proposition of Clubistry lies in its all-in-one platform that integrates membership management with website building and financial transactions, providing a seamless user experience and reducing the administrative load on club managers.
User Comments
The users appreciate the streamlined interface.
High praise for the comprehensive tools covering all aspects of club management.
Positive feedback on the ease of managing memberships and events.
Some users would like more customization options for websites.
Overall positive reception but some requests for enhanced reporting features.
The product details on specific traction such as number of users or monthly revenue were not mentioned on their ProductHunt page or website. Further research or direct communication with the company would be required to obtain these specifics.
Market Size
The market size for club management software is expected to grow, driven by an increasing number of clubs and societies globally and the digitalization of administrative tasks. The exact market size is challenging to pinpoint without specific industry reports. A related market, the global gym management software market, is projected to reach $448.3 million by 2027, which may suggest a substantial potential market for club management systems.